Though I’ve let this weekly column on the parashah go quiet for the year, I am still writing on my Bible Guy Substack, where we’re working through a rich and detailed reading of the book of Genesis — and Sunday posts are always free.
I’m now working on ways to have some content for premium subscribers, and to test them out, I’ve created the following way to access all my posts on Day One of Creation directly:
Gen 1:1 When God began to create the sky and the earth — 2 at the time the world was a tohu-bohu, with darkness over Deep and a God-wind hovering over the water — 3 God thought, Let there be light, and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and God distinguished light from darkness. 5 God named the light Day and the darkness Night. There was an evening and there was a morning: Day One.
See the Bible Guy post introducing this paragraph — with links to all the other posts at the beginning of the column — here. Leave a comment there, or below, if you find this useful.
My intent is to make all seven days of creation available in this format. Subscribe to The Bible Guy at any post on that site to be sure to receive the others as I create them.
Thanks for reading!